Tuesday, November 11, 2014

GoGame -- November 10, 2014

On November 10, 2014, I reprised my role as the "Art Collector" with the GoGame. Participants in this corporate team-building exercise were required to convince me that whatever item they brought me was a groundbreaking museum-worthy art piece.

Check out www.thegogame.com for more information on this innovative gaming company. Thanks, GoGame!

Scotsman's Dilemma -- November 2014, Richmond, VA

During the last two weeks I worked as a merchandiser for the Scotsman's Dilemma, a rebate promotion offered by International Beverage. This program offers a mail-in rebate towards the purchase of five different spirits from Virginia ABC stores.

This self-directed promotion charged me with erecting cardboard displays and mounting promotional materials in several liquor stores throughout the Richmond, VA area. For more information about Speyburn scotch, visit their website at http://www.speyburn.com.

Chester Cheetah -- November 8, 2014, Virginia Beach, VA

I recently had the pleasure of working as a handler for Chester Cheetah's appearance at Walmart's Neighborhood Market in Virginia Beach, VA. This event allowed Chester Cheetah to roam the store interacting with his fans of all ages.

Duties for this promotion included assisting the costumed character and engaging with consumers around the store. For more information about this agency that staffed this event, check out www.fusioneventstaffing.com.